With 35 acres of wooded land and over 800 feet of crystal-clear beachfront, activities abound at Shady Shore Resort. Row an old-school rowboat by morning. Throw bocce balls by dusk. Top off the evening with a roaring bonfire. Whatever activities you and your family choose, days are sure to pass quickly at Shady Shore Resort.
Shady Shore lies in close proximity to over 1,200 superb fishing holes. Guests, therefore, often experience the goodness of a fresh, flaky Walleye filet, the surface-breaking excitement of a Small-Mouth Bass, or the deep-water dives of a powerful Northern Pike. For the most skilled of anglers the elusive Muskellunge makes for a true trophy challenge. Shady Shore Resort’s fish cleaning area is open 24-hours a day and is available to all guests. Additionally, upon request a 14ft. Lund with trailer is available for rent on a daily basis. Motors may also be available; please inquire.
Typical Shady Shore Resort activities may include: boating, fishing, sandcastle building, enjoying nature hikes, paddleboating, canoeing, kayaking, waterskiing, playing board games, barbequing, star gazing, and making smores at night-time bonfires. Please note: Shady Shore does not supply the gear for water sports. Inquire for access to our yard game collection.
Guests who wish to fish famous Moose Lake must acquire a Minnesota fishing license and must adhere to DNR fishing regulations. Guests are welcome to bring private boats to the resort with an understanding that a one-time $45 docking fee will apply.